Chamber of Deputies
Parliament of the Czech Republic
Emenda à Cidadania da República Tcheca
Proposta dos deputados:
Roman Bělor, Vladimír Balaš, Ondřej Benešík, Eva Decroix, Jakub Michálek, Martina Ochodnická e Hayat Okamura para emitir uma lei que altera a Lei n.º 186/2013 Coll., sobre a cidadania da República Checa e que altera certas leis (Lei sobre cidadania da República Checa), conforme alterado.
Subcomissão de Relações com Compatriotas
and Members
The Chamber of Deputies has 200 deputies elected for four-year terms. The passive right to vote (the right to be elected) is limited to citizens of the Czech Republic who have reached the age of 21. For elections to the Chamber of Deputies, the Constitution stipulates the electoral system of proportional representation
Subcomitê de Minorias Nacionais
and Members
The Chamber of Deputies has 200 deputies elected for four-year terms. The passive right to vote (the right to be elected) is limited to citizens of the Czech Republic who have reached the age of 21. For elections to the Chamber of Deputies, the Constitution stipulates the electoral system of proportional representation